Sun, 01 Aug 2010
Personal bibliography
- Untersuchungen zur Messung elektrischer Spannungen mit mikroelektromechanischen Bauelementen URL
- A miniaturized RMS voltage sensor based on a torsional actuator in bulk silicon technology Proceedings of Micro- and Nano Engineering 769-770 2007 Search
- Aufbau und Charakterisierung eines mikro-elektromechanischen Torsionssensors fšr die Hochfrequenzspannungsmessung Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2007 775-758 2007 Search
- Specialized hybrid batch fabrication process for MEMS RF voltage sensors Device and Process Technologies for Microelectronics, MEMS, Photonics, and Nanotechnology IV 680000P-1-680000P-9 2007 DOI
- Micro-Electromechanical devices for RF voltage metrology applications 11th International Conference on New Actuators 322-324 2008 Search
- A torsional sensor for MEMS-based RMS voltage measurements Advances in Radio Science 6 31-34 2008 Search
- Optimization of spring geometries for the suspension of an electrostatic RMS voltage sensor The International Conference on MEMS and Nanotechnology 177-180 2008 Search
- A miniaturized RMS voltage sensor based on a torsional actuator in bulk silicon technology Microelectronic Engineering 85 5 1437-1439 2008 Search
- Micro-fabricated electrostatic voltage sensor with variable parallel-plate capacitor 34th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering 354 2008 Search
- Modeling and design of electrostatic voltage sensors based on micromachined torsional actuators NSTI Nanotech 3 521-524 2008 Search
- Electrostatic voltage sensors based on micro machined rotational actuators: Modeling and design Sensors and Transducers 3 80-86 2008 Search
- Electrostatic voltage sensor based on a high aspect-ratio copper actuator leviating over a small air gap Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 385-388 2009 Search
- Surface micro-machined RMS and DC voltage sensor with a copper actuator using an intermediate sacrificial layer Micro and Nano Engineering 2009 P-MEMS-22 2009 Search
- Reliability study of micromechanical actuators for electrostatic RMS voltage measurements using bulk-silicon technology Reliability, Packaging, Testing, and Characterization of MEMS/MOEMS and Nanodevices VIII 7206 1 72060C 2009 URL DOI
- DC and RMS voltage measurements with microelectromechanical sensors based on silicon actuators Eurosensors XXIII, Book of Abstracts 416 2009 Search
- DC and RMS voltage measurements with microelectromechanical sensors based on silicon actuators Procedia Chemistry 1 1 1399-1402 2009 URL DOI
- Capacitive parallel-plate voltage sensor made of electroplated copper on a sacrificial layer 8th International Workshop on High Aspect Ratio Micro Structure Technology 189-190 2009 Search
- Micro-fabricated electrostatic voltage sensor with a thin bulk-silicon device layer NSTI Nanotech 2009 1 472-475 2009 Search
- Evaluation of microelectromechanical devices for DC and RF voltage measurements IEEE Sensors Proceedings 2009 Search
- Micro-fabricated rotational actuators for electrical voltage measurements employing the principle of electrostatic force Sensors and Transducers 7 25-33 2009 URL
- Untersuchungen von MEMS zur HF-Spannungsmessung Aktuelle Fortschritte von Kalibrierverfahren im Nieder- und Hochfrequenzbereich 2010 2010 Search
- RMS voltage sensor based on a variable parallel-plate capacitor made of electroplated copper Microsystem Technologies 16 8 1665-1671 2010 DOI
- A systematic approach to wall roughness effects in laminarchannel flows: experiments and modelling Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels 2008 Search
- Silicon grating microfabrication for long-range displacement sensor Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS and MOEMS 7 2 021007 2008 URL DOI
- Contactless micro position and angular sensor device based on micro structured polymer magnets NSTI Nanotech 1 468-471 2009 Search
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